"For Murphy had such an irrational heart that no physician could get to the root of it. One moment in such labour that it seemed on the point of bursting. It was the meditation between these extremes that Neary called the Apmonia. When he got tired of calling it the Apmonia he called it the Isonomy. When he got sick of the sound of Isonomy he called it the Attunement. But he might call it what he liked. Into Murphy´s heart it would not enter. Neary could not blend the opposites in Murphy´s heart".

Mycket nöje säger jag åt alla mina vänner och bekanta som är på bokmässan i Göteborg. Speciellt Joachim som jag återknutit kontakten med tack vare Facebook. Nästa gång ska vi se till att göra bokmässan tillsammans. Nu tänker jag läsa Samuel Beckett.